I finished writing the book... so now what?

I finished writing the book... so what now?
June 8, 2018 From that blog I started but closed down againIt's Friday, the time is 12:00 PM sharp as I start writing this. I'm sitting in the corner under the Balinese umbrella, the pool is inviting me in and there's a light serenade of different birds going on in the tall pine trees surrounding the house. 
I'm listening to a Q&A session with Reid Tracey from HayHouse talking about book publishing. I signed up for their online writer's workshop about a year ago and I listened to it a lot during a period, but then I gave it up thinking I better use the little time I have on actually writing the book first of all. So that's what I did- I wrote and wrote and wrote and then I stumbled upon some blocks and difficulties, and I got over them, and then finally the most important part of the book just poured out of me in the last month and here we go- on the 5th June 2018 I finished writing the last chapter. OMG!!!
Except there wasn't any "OMG:ds" happening. It was more like: "Okay, let's start editing and fixing." So that's the next step in the process, and that's what I'm doing now. I'm working with an editor who's giving me hints and comments on what needs to be elaborated and expanded and changed, so I'm working with his suggestions, but today I finished also the ones he's done. I know he hasn't read through until the end so I have to wait for him to catch up. 
The feeling is mixed. In a way, I feel proud, relieved, wow, I did it. In another way I feel empty. What do I do NOW? I've spent exactly 1 year, 3 months and 10 days on writing this. And then I'm not counting the three months I spent writing the first draft when I was living in Barcelona in 2012. So in total, about 1,5 years. I have no idea how much time this next stage will take- the editing and cutting. I have way too many pages. A normal novel is around 75,000 - 120,000 long and mine is right now 188,376 words. So I know it's going to have to be cut down quite a lot, and that will certainly feel like someone will be cutting parts of my body off. 
The process of writing this book has filled me up immensely. That hole in my soul has been sealed and healed. I've had a creative outlet and focus and I have been living in a parallel world during this time. It's been with me day and night and in the grocery store, it's been doing my head in and it's elevated me to the clouds. The creative process is the most fulfilling thing I've ever experienced. (I include my children there- they were created by me!)
This morning, I did the final edits that had been remarked on by the editor. So that's done. What else can I do now? 
I have PMS. I don't feel too good. I want to hide from the world. I know very well that the only thing that will make me feel better, is to exercise and to go for a swim in that pool in front of me. I have about an hour and a half before I go and pick up the kids. 
What am I waiting for? I'll publish this, I'll slap my laptop shut, I'll go find my yoga mat and I will JUST DO IT. And once I'm done, I'll jump in the pool, and I'll feel like new. Or at least, a little bit better!
x Wishing you a happy weekend x
