Doing Research on a Saturday night: My Writer's Journey

Doing Research on a Saturday night

December 2, 2017
From that blog I started but closed down again 

This is my Saturday night:

Unwashed hair - and I have one of those types of hairs that need to be washed EVERY day otherwise you can literally fry an egg on top of my head

Hours in bed - in fact I've spent the past 7 hours straight in bed with only short flash visits to the bathroom and the kitchen

Writing 9 pages of my book - I've been mostly just editing in the last few weeks, even last month. I haven't had the "feeling" to create or move ahead, and instead I've gone over the existing stuff together with my editor. But today it just happened; like an urge to create, and suddenly I'd written 9 full pages. Like a burst of creativity. The thing is, that I've been in a rather dark mood lately, and not been able to write anything deep or joyful. But I decided to draw on the darkness and use that for inspiration, and there was actually something rather dark that needed to go into the text, and so I pulled it right outta the darkness today and it landed on the screen. Perfect!

PMS + Headache - I get this stuff. Like, once a month. Like, yeah, it's normal and all, I know. But I do suffer. The headache today was a nasty migraine-like one that started yesterday afternoon but really broke out around noon, and I had to take a paracetamol and lie perfectly still with the curtains drawn. When I started feeling better I watched "Anna Karenina" on Netflix. Now I "got the story" better than when reading the book- omg, it's so long, and all the names and characters become a blur, but now I finally GOT IT. 

There's a MOUNTAIN of dishes in the sink and I don't care - in fact, I keep adding to it with pleasure. Tomorrow dishes, today BED!

Kids are with their father - normally his days are Wednesday and Friday but I got a bonus-day this weekend which led to all of the above. Thank you father of the kids!!

Doing research for the next phase - the picture is from gorgeous Tropea in Calabria, south Italy, where I'm headed next in the story. Seeking inspiration through pictures and blogs online, to wake up the memories, the flavours, the fragrances, the feelings; so I can write about them. 

And now? Well, it's 21:23 and I'm not that tired, but I'm definitely NOT leaving this bed. I might get up and brush my teeth and then come back to bed and listen to some podcast or watch some Astrology videos and my introvert Saturday me-time will be just completely perfect together with going to sleep early so I can get up early and continue some more introvert me-time for a few more hours before I'm back with my little beloveds!
