Ashiyana Yoga Retreat: my luxury
Such a rare luxury for me! I never take yoga classes. (That's not true. I took an amazing class with Emma Henry who visited Ibiza last year, when I was three months pregnant with baby Noy. And I took three classes in Ibiza a few months ago with my friend Katja.) But considering the fact that I practice yoga 6 days a week, considering what a huge part yoga plays in my life, I never take classes. I live in Ibiza, a place considered a spiritual yoga heaven by many, but to be honest, where would you go for a class in Ibiza? There's the run down Ibiza Yoga in Benniras with unrealistically long classes of three hours, which can work if you're on holiday but not for busy locals. There's the Spanish yoga center in Plaza Parque with too-much-spiritual-nonsense-talk classes mostly in Spanish. There's the odd yoga class at Galeria Elefante in the small and odd-shaped studio with classes that never seem to be consistent or grow roots. Teachers come and go and try and leave. There's just no center for yoga, good yoga. There's the exclusive yoga retreats with teachers from other countries that bring their own students. There's the local expats that teach expensive privates. Then there's the odd really good teacher that teaches here and there and everywhere. There's the new studio in Santa Eulalia that looks like it could be ok. I didn't try it. But there's nothing consistent, good, quality, steady, rooted, recommended.
The Ashiyana retreat looks amazing; I hope I'll continue to have this feeling. I've arranged babysitter for my little boys so I can go every morning to the drop in class, two whole hours to myself, being led and guided, inspired by others and their teachings, being bathed in the beauty of the place. A total heaven for an introvert yogini like me who needs plenty of quiet, yoga, retreat and calm every day to stay sane in the world, but especially in the India-world. Namaste***
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