37 weeks and 2 days

I went to see the midwife today.
I have put on 13 kilos.
My iron is very low.
The heartbeat is 130 per minute.
I'm living in a cocoon of sleep, home, walks, yoga, swimming, cooking and baking.
I'm not seeing much people. I'm very internal.
I like it.
I'm going inside.
I haven't bought any things for the baby.
I'm not preparing with things.
Only internal, inside me.
A lot of together-time with my love. Sharing the journey. I like it.
That's my preparation.
Cocoon. I like that word.
My baby is also in a cocoon.
The cocoon inside my body, my body in a cocoon surrounding my existence.
Finding strength inside me.
Where the only real strength exists.
