3 days til due date

 I do this a lot. Sit in meditation or just sit. Watching the flowers and the clouds and listen to the sounds of the spring. Life is bursting and exploding all over the place and it seems to make sense that a human being would be born into this time of the year. Colourful, warm and welcoming. Fragrant fresh air.
 These flowers smell amazing. I often stop here and sit under this tree after taking Xucla for a slow walk.
 I wear leggings, the only thing that fits me. I looked at a pair of my jeans the other day. Size 26-32. They looked like a joke, or something for a Barbie doll. I'm kind of skinny normally, I guess. Now I'm kind of huge. I put on 16 kilos and 3 of them in only the last week. My legs are double the size they normally are. Full of fluids and extra stuff. Heavy. Baby is kicking and moving but the movements are different. Baby doesn't have very much space anymore. Growing too big for this spaceship of a body.
The pool is starting to look tempting, finally. It's getting hotter and during the day it's actually HOT. Being almost fully ripe in my pregnancy I'm kind of boiling, too. I'm quite happy I'm not pregnant here in Ibiza in July or August when temperatures can get up to 40 degrees.

Three days until the due-date. Eating ice cream, doing very slow and very careful yoga, going for very slow and very careful walks, and watching movies and Sex and the City reruns. Not such a bad life but I can't wait to both lose the 16 kilos and to meet the little one.
