preview of what is to come

so this was us. italy 2008.

then there is now. india 2009.

nothing yet to say, but so much to say soon.


  1. Shall i post our emails here from last few months? ;-)Many has been said, much will follow. We are halfway. Double triangle, full speed D.)It IS written.

  2. D: it is written.

    but no, do not post our e-mails.

    it will only make us look half-bad, half. funny.

    we are half-way indeed.

    the rest will come soon, in lin&kat part III, india.

    it IS written. the answer is: D

  3. the way you respond makes me doubt wether you were aware of the fact that i was dutch style joking about posting our private emails here haha,

    There is something i do want to share right here right now:

    'There's a truth thats deeper than experience. It's beyond what we see, or even what we feel. It's an order of truth that separates the profound from the merely clever, and the reality from the perception. We're helpless usually, in the face of it; and the cost of knowing it, like the cost of knowing love, is somethimes greater than any heart would willingly pay. it doesn't always help us to love the world, but it does prevent us from hating the world. And the only way to know that truth, is to share it, from heart to heart,..'

    Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts.

    This part of text is written right after Lin visited the slave market outside of Mumbai and heard the stories of these childrens lives. He asks himself some questions and tries to put the whole into a perspective including his reaction to the situation occuring in front of him and his personal life story and background.

    There is often so much more to a story then what's visible from the outside.

    A great lesson to start our adventure with.


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